Old News

Issue 1.4 has dropped!

Oh, the horror indeed.

We asked for your creepiest, most surreal stories and poetry and were not disappointed. We’ve got everything from psychological horror to alien invasion to malevolent woodland creatures. Ghost stories and allegories. Peer pressure and rural isolation. Oh, the horror…

Announcing theme for fall issue!

Issue 1.4, to be released this October, will be themed “Oh, the horror!”

We will be looking for fiction, poetry, and art in the horror genre, with a special focus on that which is weird, bizarre, and creepy. Our basic standards remain. No gore, no porn, no hate violence. We are hoping to find some Twilight Zone-level gems of oddness. That’s not to say we don’t appreciate good old fashioned ghost stories, either. If it’s well written and scares us, we want to read it.

Introducing 10o Rejections in 100 Days

Our new web feature is up. For the next 100 days we will be logging, blogging, and celebrating rejection letters and the other rejections that come with the artistic endeavors we embark on. They’re here to stay, so we might as well get comfortable with them and if we dare, even befrenemy them. Stay tuned for more new web content!

Issue 1.2 featured content is up!

The full issue will be released soon. In the meantime, enjoy short fiction by Ser Anderson, flash by A. Riding, fine art by Madison Creech, poetry by James Croal Jackson, and a debut poem by Paris Norris.



We have received so many wonderful poetry submissions that we are no longer reading poetry for our Spring 2016 issue. We will continue reading short fiction for this issue until March 15th.


Our theme for issue 1.2 is winged things.

Send us your stories of angels and owls, your poems of dragons and butterflies, your paintings of ravens and mosquitoes. Send your sketches of faeries and fireflies, your sculptures of pterodactyls and peacocks, your lithographs of phoenixes and flying monkeys. We can’t wait to see them.

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Our first issue is out!

Much thanks to all of our supporters and contributors. We were successful in meeting our initial kickstarter goal, thanks to our generous backers. We will be open to submissions for the spring issue on January 15th, and looking for work about “winged things.”

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Digital Launch Party Tonight!

8pm. Twitter. @kBlJournal.

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Inaugural issue sneak peak!

Photography by Christopher Woods

The Wall People_72dpi_Christopher Woods



Help us get started!

Please view our kickstarter site and consider contributing.

Five dollars will pre-order you our first electronic issue.

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First Annual Short Fiction Contest

In what we hope will be an annual tradition, kBlJ is holding a short fiction contest.

The theme for this year’s contest is heart of winter.

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Kaaterskill Basin Literary Journal’s Inaugural Issue

Kaaterskill Basin Literary Journal is accepting submissions for its inaugural issue, to be released in Winter 2016.

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